How to purify water from impurities?

The quality of water from the communal pipeline has decreased so much in recent years that more and more people prefer to buy water in bottles. Or they are thinking about how to purify the water from impurities. This is exactly what we will talk about today. The main problem of water from the communal pipeline is a lot of impurities of different types. They have a negative impact on human health. The dominant pollutants are chlorine, mechanical impurities, organic matter (bacteria and microbes). If we talk about the so-called folk methods, among them stand out:

  • sedimentation;

  • boiling;

  • freezing.


Each of them makes it possible to eliminate some of the negative impurities. However, they still do not provide a guarantee of 100% disposal of contaminants. The efficiency of the methods does not allow to achieve high quality water - that is, to make it safe enough to be safely used for drinking. That is why the only correct method is to install modern cleaning equipment. It is not a problem to buy a water purification filter. They are widely represented on profile sites. Or in offline stores. Manufacturers offer a variety of models of different types:

  • jugs;

  • nozzles on the tap;

  • flowing ones;

  • membranes;

  • and others.


If we talk about really reliable and efficient purification models, the best option is reverse osmosis systems. These are membrane filters that can remove up to 99% of all negative impurities present in water. Reverse osmosis systems are mounted under the sink. If we talk about jugs and nozzles, they are low-performance and carry out only primary water treatment. That is, after such treatment, it must be boiled before drinking. Flow systems have in their arsenal several cartridges of different types, but you can drink water after them only if the initial quality of water (in particular, regarding the presence of bacteria and germs) was not too bad. And what are the others?

Now let's talk a little about "other" water purification systems. These are the so-called cabinet and column models. They are relatively large and it is recommended to install them in a separate room. For example, in the basement. What do they protect against? From certain types of pollutants. Everything depends on the filler used. For example, the cleaning element can be activated carbon or ion exchange resin. The only correct method to combat water pollutants is to use cleaning systems and filters. You can buy them on the company's website